Top 5 Best Websites to Learn Programming

Learning to code has grown from hobby to career. In these days you can learn coding online for free. Those days are gone where you pay some money to private institutes and learn.

Whether you want to start your journey as a programmer or learn to build websites or create projects for fun, this post is for you. Now, let's see some websites where you can learn coding for free.

1. Code Academy

Code Academy is one of the popular site where most of the people learn to code. Over 25 million people around the world have learned to code using this platform.

click here to visit code academy official website. 
         Code Academy offer courses form basic programming to advaced programming.

2. Hackerearth

Hackerearth is another coding platform to let students participate in hiring contests, improve their skills and also allow to participate in other development based events.
click here to visit Hackerearth official site.

        Hackerearth has grown tremendously in just few years. Hackerearth has conducted 1000+ hackthons and 10,000+ programming contests to date.

3. Hackerrank

Hackerrank is a place where programmers from all over tge world come together to solve problems in a wide range of computer science domains such as algorithms, machine learning or artificial intelligence, as well as to practice different programming paradigms like functional programming.
click here to visit Hackerrank official website.
             Hackerrank is a technology hiring platform that is the standard for accessing developer skills for over 2000 companies around the world.

4. Solo Learn

Solo Learn is a free website that offers many different programming languages. One of the best part is that it is also available in play store. The app is user-friendly.

click here to visit official website of Solo Learn.
click here to download Solo Learn android app.

        Solo Learn also provides you a certificate after the completion of test for free of cost. In Solo Learn Playground, there is area to share the code you are working on and have other people collaborate.

5. Google Android Training

This website is created by Google Developers Training Team. This is better way to learn how to code android apps and gain a Google Developers Certification.
      With web fundamentals you can check out coding tutorials, guidance and the best lractice for building your web knowledge. It also offers tools like Chrome DevTools, Lighthouse, Workbox and more to make learning easier.
click here to visit Google Android Training official site.
        This program includes Android Development, Web Development, Firebase, Machine Learning, Tensor Flow, etc..

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